This section introduces how to set window-related settings such as window size settings and title settings for Kivy applications that may be used frequently, as well as a sample using events of the Window class.
Screen Settings
Kivy recommends creating only one application screen. One is fine, since it is possible to switch screen views and display pop-up windows within the application screen.
To set window size, title, etc., use Window or App class.
Here are some commonly used settings
from kivy.core.window import Window
from import App
# Set window size
#Window.size = (500, 500)
Window.system_size = (500, 500)
# Set minimum window size.
Window.minimum_width = 300
Window.minimum_height = 300
# Set icon in Window class.
# Window.set_icon('./icons/test-icon001.png')
# Set to full screen mode.
#Window.fullscreen = True
# Start with the window maximized.
# Window.maximize()
# Set background color.
Window.clearcolor = (0, 0, 1, 1) # 青 (R, G, B, A)
# Set window position.
Window.left = 100 = 50
class WindowSettings1(App):
def build(self):
# Set application title.
self.title = 'TestTitle'
# Set icon in App class.
self.icon = './icons/test-icon002.ico'
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
Set the Window Size Settings
Set the size of the window when it is started. There are two methods to change the size: the size method and the system_size method. if you set a value smaller than Window.minimum_width and Window.minimum_height, this size will be applied. It is recommended not to set a value smaller than this size.
Size Method
Calculated in logical size. Specify the width and height.
# Set window size (width, height).
Window.size = (800, 600)
system_size Method
Calculated by physical size. Specify width and height.
# Set window size (width, height).
Window.system_size = (300, 300)
Difference Between Window.size and Window.system_size
Window.size gets the logical size (scaled value) and Window.system_size gets the actual physical size (value in pixels), and the values are different.
- Window.size: logical size
- Window.system_size: physical size
For example, Kivy’s logical size of 300 is 525 in physical size. A sample code to check this is presented in the last section of this article.
Logical size ( logical size)
This is a scaled value based on DPI (Dot Density) and is used internally in Kivy to draw.
Physical size
The size of the window on the display in pixels where the window is actually drawn.
Setting the Title of the Title Bar
Sets the title of the window’s title bar. This method is provided in the Window class, but this did not work.
# This does not work.
Use the title method of the App class instead; it would be better to define it within build().
self.title = 'TestTitle'
Setting an Icon for the Title Bar
There are two ways to set an icon for the window title bar: in the Window class or in the App class.
Setting in the Window Class
Specify the path to the image file. Enter the file extension as well.
Window.set_icon('. /icons/test-icon001.png')
Set in the App Class
Similarly, specify the path to the image file.
self.icon = '. /icons/test-icon006.ico'
Available File Formats and Optimal Sizes
Image file formats supported by Kivy can be used.
The official website lists the following as the optimal image sizes. This is old information, so it is uncertain, but 1:1 seems to be the correct size. I tried the above image format at 1024×1024 and had no problem. (This is too large for an icon. Perhaps 256×256 would be large enough.)
For GNU/Linux and Mac OSX, 256×256 or 1024×1024 is recommended; for Windows 7, 32×32 or smaller; for Windows 8, 256×256 or smaller. At least on Windows 8, 256×256 will work, but it will be reduced in size and will not look as good as a 32×32 icon.
Setting the Minimum Window Size
To set the minimum window size, do the following The unit is probably physical size (pixels).
# Set window width.
Window.minimum_height = 600
# Set the height of the window.
Window.minimum_width = 500
Note that both minimum_height and minimum_width must be set for this to work.
Start With Window Maximized
Starts with the window size maximized.
If you define this, you may not want to define Window.size. (It is not an error).
Starts Up in Full Screen Mode
Starts up in full screen mode, which can be True, False, or auto.
Window.fullscreen = True
Set Window Position
The window will be placed at the specified OS coordinate position when the application is launched. The upper left corner of the application screen will be placed at the specified coordinates, and the OS coordinates for the upper left corner of the screen will be [x (horizontal axis): 0, y (vertical axis): 0].
Window.left = 100 # x-coordinate = 50 # y-coordinate
Set Screen Color
Set the background color of the screen. Note that this setting is meaningless if the screen is filled with widgets. The color is specified in RGBA. Transparency does not work here.
Window.clearcolor = (0, 0, 1, 1) # Blue (R, G, B, A)
RGBA is explained in the following page
Controlling Window Resizing
I could not find a method to resize the window; there is a “resizable” setting in Config.ini, so I tried setting it in Config.set, but it did not work.
However, it is possible to control the screen shrinkage. As shown below, setting minimum_width and minimum_height to the same value as the window size will prevent it from shrinking. However, the user can make it larger than this size.
# Window sizing.
Window.size = (1000, 600)
# Set the minimum size of the window.
Window.minimum_width = 1000
Window.minimum_height = 600
Using Window Class Events
The Window class has many events that control the window. Some of them are listed below.
- on_key_down: An event that occurs when a key on the keyboard is pressed.
- on_key_up: Event that occurs when a key on the keyboard is released
- on_rotate: Event that occurs when the screen is rotated
- on_close: Event that occurs when the screen is closed
- on_cursor_enter: Event that occurs when the cursor hits the screen
- on_cursor_leave: An event that occurs when the cursor moves out of the screen
- on_minimize: Event that occurs when the screen is minimized
- on_maximize: Event that occurs when the screen is maximized
- on_restore: Event that occurs when the screen is activated after it has been minimized
- on_hide: Event that occurs when the screen is hidden
- on_show: Event that occurs when the screen is shown
- on_keyboard: Event that occurs when the keyboard is used for input
- on_key_down: Event that occurs when a key on the keyboard is pressed
- on_key_up: Event that occurs when a key on the keyboard is pressed and released.
- on_drop_begin: Event that occurs just before text or file is dropped in the screen.
- on_drop_file: Event that occurs when a file is dropped in the screen
- on_drop_text: Event that occurs when text is dropped in the screen
- on_drop_end: Event that occurs when a text or file is dropped in the screen.
- on_textedit: Event that occurs when text is entered with an IME
Displaying window.size and window.system_size Using on_resize
This is a sample code to check Window.size and Window.system_size using the on_resize event of the Window class event.
The on_resize event is fired when the window is resized.
from import App
from kivy.core.window import Window
Window.system_size = (300,300)
class WindowEvent1(App):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
# on_resizeイベントをバインド
def on_resize(self, instance, width, height):
physical_size = Window.system_size
self.root.ids.label.text = (
f"Window resized to:\n"
f"Logical size: {width} x {height}\n"
f"Physical size: {physical_size}"
if __name__ == "__main__":
orientation: 'vertical'
id: label
text: ''
This code gets the “Logical size” and “Physical size” when the window is resized, and changes the text.
Code Explanation
Window.system_size = (300,300)
Defines the screen size at startup as physical size
In the kv file, a BoxLayout widget is specified as the root element. This will be the root widget.
# Bind the on_resize event.
The bind method ties the overridden on_resize method to the on_resize event.
# How to write bind
: Name of the event. In this case,on_resize
: Function to execute when the event occurs. In this example,self.on_resize
The on_resize method is called when the on_resize event occurs.
def on_resize(self, instance, width, height):
Override the on_resize method. The argument is (instance, width, height).
: The object that fired the event (in this case,Window
: The width of the new window is retrieved.height
: The height of the new window is retrieved.
The width and height taken by the on_resize method were logical sizes.